Plymouth PL6 5AD
This means that if you do not win your case, in most circumstances you do not have to pay the firms fees. You will only be liable for your fees if you win your case, plus a success fee on top, to compensate us for the risk that we might not get paid at all. If you win, most of your legal fees will be recovered from the other side as part of the settlement of your case.
* Availability of No Win No Fee Personal Injury Claim is dependent of the type of Personal Injury Claim being made
We will give detailed advice about funding before you sign any contract with us to ensure that you fully understand and are happy with the terms of our agreement.
It is important to know that claims management companies do not pursue your claim for you. They are not allowed to and are not qualified to deal with Court proceedings and, as such, cannot represent you if your case progresses to Court. When you instruct a claims management company, they will normally have to pass your claim to a firm of solicitors at some point. Claims management companies are, therefore, little more than a middle man. We advise you to cut out the middle man and deal directly with solicitors who will fight your case
Claims management companies are therefore little more than a middle man. We advise you to cut out the middle man and deal directly with solicitors who will fight your case.
Yes, there is a time limit of three years. You must begin Court proceedings within three years of sustaining your injury or, if you weren’t aware you had an injury, within three years of the date you first became aware of the injury. After three years, the case becomes ‘time-barred’ or ‘statute barred’. There are exceptions if the Personal Injury happened to a child or someone incapable of managing their own affairs.
We aim to complete all claims within a reasonable time period. The average claim can take between 6 and 12 months to complete. A claim may take longer, as there can be disputes with the defendants regarding liability or the settlement of the claim. We always aim to keep you updated about the progress of your claim and the likely time frame to settlement.
A personal injury claim is split into two parts. The first part of your claim is the injury claim. This will be valued by using a medical report, which will be prepared by a medical expert who will provide an opinion and prognosis for your injury, i.e. what injuries you have suffered and how long you will suffer from them.
The second part of your claim will centre around any expenses you have incurred as a result of your injury and this can include loss of earnings, travel expenses, care and assistance and prescription charges.
Yes. There are different ‘heads of claim’ or ‘heads of loss’ that you can claim for personal injury. This can include things like medical expenses, loss of earning potential, travelling expenses, care and assistance and future treatment costs.
Yes, if their accident or death was the result of someone else’ s negligence. The family of the deceased can receive the compensation. There are a number of Acts under which you can make a claim for the person’s death. These are:
Due to the nature of these incidents, if you require any further information involving a fatal incident please contact a member of our specialist team who will be happy to discuss further.
It is important to see a medical expert as they will examine you and prepare a report outlining what your injuries are and how long it will take you to recover. This report will then be used to value your claim.
It is rare that a claim will proceed to a final hearing before the Court which you would have to attend. However in limited circumstances this cannot be avoided and there would be the need.
If you have any questions for our legal teams then please do not hesitate to contact us. 01752 785 715